The North Stonington School District has a rich history dating back to 1868
Concert Attire
All students are asked to wear all black for the concerts in order for the choir to look uniformed.
Black dresses and skirts are allowed as long as the length is at least to the students knees. Solid black tights must be worn under dresses and skirts.
Students can also wear black dress pants and a black blouse or button up. Black ties/bowties are welcome.
Shoes must be closed toed, black, and worn with black socks. Flashy jewelry is not allowed.
* We are happy to offer assistance providing concert attire if necessary. Notify Mrs. Black or Mr. McCormick at least two weeks before the concert with needed items and size.
Music Boosters
The Music Boosters’ Club was established to assist the Wheeler Music Directors in supporting the music department with various activities. The club historically has provided organized volunteer support and involvement within the music department.
Support in the past has consisted of such things as assisting in planned school trips, establishing fundraising, planning and organizing refreshments at student concerts and acting as chaperones, as required, for outside school activities. In addition, the Music Boosters sponsor the soda sale at the PTO Basket raffle, which provides additional funds for student music scholarships. Students also participate in fundraisers on a year that the music groups take a trip.
We need your help in small ways. By attending Music Booster meetings, you can help plan and organize activities. In addition, we need volunteers to act as officers of the Music Boosters’ Club so that we may move forward in an organized fashion to benefit our children, and to improve upon the Wheeler Music program.